What can I do to make an impact at Castaway right now?

In 2023, Castaway Club celebrated 60 years of camping ministry. Has Castaway Club made an impact in your life? Are you looking for a way to give back this season? Below​ is a link to a list of items that Castaway Club could use to continue ministry for the next 60 years.

You may give towards a specific item or make a general donation to Castaway Club!

2024 Castaway Club Registry List


Completed Projects

We were excited to see two projects completed the Spring of 2021 and be put to use the past two summers. The new Summer Staff Dorm (The Brigantine) not only provides new housing for our summer staff, but it is in a location right across from the Assigned Team House. This location helps foster a greater sense of team among all the session volunteers, from work crew and summer staff to the Assigned Team. ​ This building was built with the intent to maximize our school season business by having a lounge sized to accommodate up to 150 people. ​ This allows us to double book weekend groups and have quality meeting space for all.”

The second project we completed is the renovation of the Dory. ​ Originally, this building served as Assigned Team housing but with the completion of the Ketch, we were able to convert this building to house our summer interns. Another important aspect of this move opens up the space next to the work crew housing for work crew bosses and coordinators in the Windjammer. This space, known as the West Wing, provides a comfortable lounge and kitchen along with four bedrooms. Again, location is important and this will help foster greater community among our work crew and their supervisors.

Looking Ahead....

Having successfully completed major construction for our Assigned Teams, Summer Staff, and Summer Intern housing, we now turn our attention to camper housing. The replacement of the oldest camper dorm, the Galleon, will finally put all our camper dorms on equal footing for quality and meeting our standards for housing. Moving the summer staff to their new building allows us to use the Cutter for camper housing and combined with a new similar dorm will replace the Galleon. The New Galleon will be placed adjacent to the Cutter and will be much better situated for year-round use. Completing this dorm will also allow us to tear down the old Galleon and open up this valuable space overlooking the lake. In this space we will have the opportunity to create a new and exciting camper activity.

Camp Development Principles

After construction is complete, Young Life camps are financially self-sufficient. All operational expenses, maintenance, administrative costs and funded depreciation are paid from camp revenue generated by the camper fee. Only major capital projects require fundraising after the initial purchase or construction. We only grow as thoughtful and generous gifts allow.

Young Life camps have a long-standing policy to first raise the funds and then to develop new projects, facilities and amenities. This is so the camp fee that summer and school season guests pay is minimized to reflect true operating costs. This practice also allows us to develop new projects to a standard of excellence.

If you are interested in further information or to make a contribution to the development of Castaway Club please contact Nick Johnson, Camp Manager at 218-325-3550.